How to Lose Weight in 1 Month 

For most of us it is easy to gain weight. When it comes to losing weight, on the other hand, there are only a handful who have it easy, while the rest of us suffer through vigorous exercise routines and diets. So many people seek the answer of the question "how to lose weight in 1 month". This does not mean that losing weight is an impossible goal. Anyone can lose weight so long as they maintain a positive mentality and work on their physical strength. It's especially important to keep this up if you're looking to lose weight in just one month. Avoid crash diets or the latest craze in weight loss supplements; these are counterproductive! A specific and focused game plan that involves discipline, self-control, willpower and lifestyle changes is what it takes to lose weight in a healthy and permanent way.

Pre-Weight Loss Actions

  • Set a goal. Start off with simple or small goals that you can achieve within shorter time frames. Starting with ridiculous goals will only make you feel worse if you do not achieve them in the time you wished for.
  • Make a plan. Check your calendar and find spare time at least 4 days a week to schedule in an exercise routine. Take a few minutes to find a time that you will be able to stick to throughout the week and after.

Healthy Eating

  • Stay away from junk foods. These foods are high in saturated fats and give you nothing but empty calories. They may taste good, but they offer nothing good to your body. Stay away from white flour, fried foods, and whole fat foods.
  • Cut back daily intake. Cut back on your daily caloric intake by 500 calories. If you really want to lose weight shoot for 1500 calories per day rather than 2,000.
  • Stop drinking calories. Many beverages still contain calories. Fruit juices, sodas, even teas and coffees can contain calories. Specialty coffees from cafes are especially high in sugars and calories. Stop drinking your calories and stick with water. Your body needs the hydration.
  • Avoid white carbohydrates. These are over processed and do not provide you with any health or nutrient benefits. Try to avoid foods like white bread, rice, cereal, potatoes, pasta, and fried foods unless they are being consumed in the hour before or after your exercise.
  • Choose healthy snacks. Choose to eat fruits and vegetables as your snacks rather than chips, candies or other junk foods. If you're craving for chips or other junk food, look for items that have whole grains. Light or nonfat yogurts are great for your, sweet tooth and popcorn that is not salted or buttered is good too.
  • Try to eat the same nutritious meals. When you eat meals with similar food group and ingredients over and over you are more likely to successfully lose weight. These meals contain the nutrients you need like proteins and vegetables.
  • Increase frequency of meals. Eat smaller and more frequent meals during the day to keep your metabolism working faster. Eating less but more often ups your energy levels and helps you have more stamina for your physical exercise.
  • Eat at the table and chew more. When you have one set place to eat your meals it will help to keep you from mindlessly overeating. Chewing more fully and slowly will help you to realize faster when you are full.
  • Don't eat between 9pm and 6am. Your metabolism slows down at night because your body is preparing itself for REM sleep.

Proper Exercises

  • Weight training. Not only does weight training build up muscle but it helps your body burn fat and increases your metabolism. Be sure that you are doing exercises often enough to target each of the muscle groups. Do not work out all of these groups in the same session. Practice weight train a few times a week, alternating during each session.
  • Cardio workouts. These exercises help to strengthen your heart and lungs and develop physical endurance. Cardio must be done at least 3 times a week in order for you to lose weight in a month.
  • At-home exercises. There are so many ways you can fit in some exercise and be active at home. If you're going up the stairs, then run up them and run back down them when you return. Do this a couple of times to double your calorie burn. Cleaning burns lots of calories too. You can even do small exercises while sitting on the couch.

More Helpful Advice

  • Weigh yourself every week. Choose a day each week and weigh yourself. Many people weigh themselves daily, but 24 hours is not really a long enough time for significant change to take place; weight can also fluctuate due to hydration, hormonal fluctuations and the like. Giving yourself an entire week between weigh ins will better show your progress.
  • Record your progress. Keep a log of the food you're eating and the exercise you're doing. Calculate the amount of calories you are taking in and burning. This will help you figure out what plans are working for you.
  • Be confident. A positive mentality and confidence that you will lose weight will help you to succeed at doing it. If you think negatively you are more likely to fall back on your weight loss and workout plans. People who stay positive and confident have a better chance of seeing change each week.
  • Don't push yourself too hard. It's OK to have a day or two where you sit around and relax or have some junk food. And then return to your plan the following day.