Is Grapefruit Good for Diabetes? 

People try so many ways to help shed those extra pounds. Many have tried a grapefruit diet to lose weight. There are some people who have experienced amazing benefits of following a grapefruit diet, and that makes many to try the same. While there are many benefits associated with grapefruit, you may be thinking what to do if you have diabetes. Is there a positive relationship between grapefruit and diabetes? Let's find out now!

Is It Oaky to Eat Grapefruit with Diabetes?

Even when you have diabetes, you can still enjoy grapefruit. The reason is that it is low on the glycemic index and is also a rich source of vitamin A and C. It is also a low-calorie food. In fact, grapefruit may help regulate blood sugar levels and keep them under control, especially when you take your medications as instructed. Still, it is a good idea to talk to your doctor and confirm that you can include grapefruit in your diet and it will not interact with any of your medications.

Effects of Grapefruit on Diabetes

To understand the connection between grapefruit and diabetes, you need to consider its nutritional value first. Here is more about it.

1.    Carbs Content

Diabetics need to pay attention to the carb content of any food they are going to eat. Grapefruit also contains carbs, but the amount is quite the same as found in a small pear, apple, or two kiwifruits, which is no more than 15g of carbs per serving. Still, it is a good idea to monitor your blood glucose levels after eating grapefruit to get an idea about how your body reacts to it. Keep in mind that eating grapefruit and drinking grapefruit juice are two different things. Unlike grapefruit, its juice contains about 24g of carbohydrates per serving without any fiber, which is not good for diabetics.

2.    Glycemic Index

As mentioned already, foods low on glycemic index can be included in your diet designed for diabetes. Grapefruit can be a good addition because it has a glycemic index of 25, which is the reason why it is a better option as compared to bread, white rice, and potatoes. Diabetics can eat food with a glycemic index value no more than 55, but it is still important to eat in moderation because you will get carbs from grapefruit.

3.    Medication Interactions

Grapefruit and diabetes does not have a negative relation, but you need to be careful if you have high blood pressure as well. Some studies show that grapefruit may interact with medications prescribed for high blood cholesterol, hypertension, and depression. Raw grapefruit contains a compound that affects enzymes in your GI tract and significantly increases the absorption of certain medications. This can make your medications less effective. Be sure to talk to your doctor first if you want to include grapefruit in your diet and you also take blood cholesterol-lowering medications or anti-hypertensive drugs.

4.    Alternatives

If your doctor says you should avoid grapefruit because you take certain medications, it is important to avoid pomelos as well because they can have the similar effect on medications you take. In this case, you will be better off going for citrus fruits, such as tangerines, oranges, and clementines. You can eat fresh fruit in moderation, but be sure to avoid fruit juices. Some low glycemic index foods are kiwifruits, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and plums.

Foods to Avoid with Diabetes

As mentioned already, you need to pay attention to the carb content and glycemic index value of different foods before including any in your diet. Here are some foods you may want to avoid with diabetes.

  • You should avoid all high GI foods, such as doughnuts, white rice, soda, and white bread. These foods can lead to a spike in your blood sugar levels and make it difficult to keep it under control.
  • It is important to avoid sweets and desserts because they are high in carbs. Too many carbs can raise your blood sugar in no time.
  • You should avoid fatty cuts of meat and stay away from full-fat dairy because these foods contain saturated fat that can raise your cholesterol levels. These foods can also increase inflammation in the body and put you at an increased risk of heart disease.

It is important to mention that though you will be better off avoiding foods with high glycemic index values, you can still have some occasionally. It depends more on how you include it in your diet. For instance, you can have a piece of cake occasionally but that is only when you mix it with a low-carb meal, such as broccoli and baked chicken.