Can I Eat Rice after Tooth Extraction? 

It is not uncommon to have a tooth extracted. Often, it is one or all of your wisdom teeth that must be taken out. In several incidences, these teeth come in after the rest of your teeth and there is not enough room for them. Other times, a tooth may be extracted because it or the area around it has been damaged or is infected. No matter the reason, when a tooth is taken out it leaves an oversized hole in your gums. Afterwards, the area is stitched, a blood clot is permitted to form, and the spot is allowed to heal. You have to eat certain foods, ones that will not hurt the surgical site.

Can I Eat Rice after Tooth Extraction?

You should not eat small foods like rice and seeds after a tooth extraction. These types of foods can easily enter under the formed blood clot and get stuck in the hole in your gums. This can lead to pain and infection. Also, foods like rice and seeds are too hard and can cause pain in the area until it heals.

Other Foods to Avoid after Tooth Extraction

Can I eat rice after tooth extraction? Nope, and that is not the only kind of food you should avoid. Here are some others to keep away from:

1.    Spicy Food

Spicy foods can irritate the area where you had the tooth extracted, as well as bother the surrounding tissue. You should avoid eating foods like salsa, peppers, hot spices, mustard and anything that packs some heat. Doing so can cause inflammation and pain.

2.    Hot Food

Do not eat hot food for about a week after your tooth extraction. This includes hot drinks like coffee or tea. Warm food is alright, but nothing more than that. Hot food can be damaging to your blood clot, preventing the area from properly healing. Your oral surgeon will give you exact instructions. Room temperature foods like soup, pudding, cottage cheese or pasta are okay to eat.

3.    Carbonated Beverages

Even though you should stay well hydrated, you should avoid drinking carbonated beverages like sodas and sparkling water. They can increase the chance of your blood clot dislodging. Do not use a straw to drink anything. The pressure it creates can cause your clot to break away, exposing the extraction site to damage and infection.

4.    Alcohol

Can I eat rice after a tooth extraction? No, and you can’t drink alcohol for a while either. Drinking alcohol can interfere with your healing process by causing more inflammation. Also, it will negatively interact with the pain medications prescribed by your oral surgeon.

5.    Crunchy Food

Foods like potatoes chips, crusted bread, crackers and other hard foods should not be eaten after a tooth extraction. Not only can they dislodge your blood clot, they can also get stuck in the spot and cause infection.

6.    High Sugar Food

Foods that are overly sweet or contain too much sugar can cause gum irritation. You may also be overly sensitive to the sugar content after your tooth is removed. While ice cream can be soothing to the extraction area, avoid eating too much of it.

7.    Acidic Food

Acidic food can cause irritation and pain after a tooth extraction. Avoid foods like tomatoes, oranges, orange juice, vinegar and pickles. Wait until you have healed a few days before introducing these foods back into your diet so you can avoid possible pain.

8.    No Smoking

Smoking can cause the same effect as drinking through a straw, which causes pressure that can damage or dislodge your blood clot protecting the extraction site.

Food You Can Eat

1.    Applesauce

Can I eat rice after tooth extraction? No, but you can eat applesauce. Its smooth texture should not irritate your gums. It is also full of fiber and vitamin C. It is a healthy snack that can help with the healing process.

2.    Ice Cream

When eaten in moderation, ice cream is a good snack to eat after a tooth extraction. The cool temperature can soothe your painful gums. It is easy to eat because of its smooth texture that can easily melt to be swallowed. Stay away from ice cream that has small pieces of nuts, candy or other foods in it as they may get stuck in the extraction hole.

3.    Soup

Eating soup after a tooth extraction is a good way to get nutrients while recovering and healing. Broth-based soups are the best, as they have a lot of protein and nutrients. Consume soups with soft noodles or are creamed based with soft ingredients like vegetables that can be easily swallowed or mashed in your mouth.

4.    Instant Oatmeal

An easy and quick meal good to eat after a tooth extraction is instant oatmeal. It comes in a wide variety of flavors or can be flavored easily with honey or brown sugar. It should be eaten at room temperature and do not add hard or crunchy ingredients like nuts or raisins as these might irritate or get lodged in the tooth extraction site.

5.    Yogurt

Flavored yogurt is a good food source after a tooth extraction. It is full of nutrients that can help with the healing process. Served cold, the smooth consistency can be soothing and flavorful. Do not add granola or anything hard to chew. Only add fruit if it is very ripe, is seedless and can be easily mashed or swallowed.

6.    Pudding or Gelatin

Ready-to-eat pudding or gelatin snacks are a good food to eat after a tooth extraction. Kept in the refrigerator, they can provide a cool and soothing snack that is easy to eat and poses little risk of irritating your gums. They come in a variety of flavors, so you can mix it up during your recovering.

7.    Whipped Potatoes

Whipped or mashed potatoes are a nutritious food to eat after a tooth extraction, as long as you remember to eat it at room temperature. You can whip or mash the potatoes with milk, sour cream or broth to add more nutrients and vitamins. You can add gravy or butter to add more flavor. Make sure you whip or mash all the lumps out of the potatoes, so that small bits do not get logged in the extraction area.

8.    Smoothies

By now you have realized you cannot eat rice after tooth extraction, but you can have a smoothie as long as you prepare it correctly. You should use seedless fruit, as even small seeds like those from strawberries and raspberries can hurt your extraction site. Opt for bananas and blueberries instead. You can use ingredients like milk, yogurt, ice, ice cream and pulp-free juice. Simply blend all the ingredients you choose together to create a cold and nutritious drink. Remember, do not drink your smoothie with a straw.