Best Workout Plan to Lose Weight 

When you burn 500 calories more than you consume every day for a week, you will end up losing 1 to 2 pounds of weight. You need to eat less and exercise more in order to lose weight faster. For instance, if you consume 1,050 to 1,200 calories in a day and then exercise for an hour per day, you will lose 3 to 5 pounds within the first week or even more particularly if you weigh not less than 250 pounds. However, this doesn't mean you should stop consuming calories.

If one wants to lose weight, they should shoot for not less than 200 minutes (more than 3 hours) every week of moderately intense physical activity. However, when one cuts down on calories and then exercise, they will end up getting away with not less than 150 minutes per week.

Beginners are recommended to start with not less than 50 minutes of exercise every week and then proceed to exercise for 200 minutes per week. Here we give you the best workout plan to lose weight.

Best Workout Plan to Lose Weight

In this section, you will know the best workout plan to lose weight, what techniques are used, what exercise you should do and what kind of results you will get.

1. Work Techniques

The proper technique in a good workout routine for losing weight is to warm up for 7 to 10 minutes. A warm up could be a short session of mild jogging. A warm session helps in enabling blood circulation to all parts of the body, therefore, preventing muscle cramps and other injuries. After the warm up session, perform a cardio session. This session should take between 20-30 minutes, and it should be followed by strength training exercises of not less than half an hour. Eventually, perform stretching exercises. These exercises will cool you down and improve on your flexibility. As you are performing these workouts, keep on sipping water and take two-minute breaks between sets.

2. Cardio Workout

There are a number of cardio workout plans to help you lose weight fast. You can use an elliptical and a treadmill in case you are using gym workout routines for losing weight. There are several cardiovascular exercises that will help you lose your weight fast. One of them is swimming. Swimming is regarded as a complete exercise, and it is very effective in helping people lose weight fast. In case you are looking for home work out plans for both men and women who want to lose weight, please consider jump rope workouts. These workouts help in burning a high number of calories within a short duration of time.

3. Strength Training

These workout plans are not only good for losing weight, but they are also good for muscle gain. Performing regular strength training will help you tone quite fast, and it will also prevent sagging of fat. You can combine strength training with cardio workouts in order to balance weight loss exercises and return your body to shape. When combined, these workouts are the key to losing weight fast. If you are new to strength training, please join a gym and then hire an instructor. If you are not the type to work out in a gym, boxing workouts can also work well for you.

4. Sample of 5-day Workout Plan to Lose Weight

For Women


Workout Routines

Day 1


Perform cardiovascular exercises for 40- 50 minutes without stopping. Continue and perform 15 minutes for treadmill and bike for another 15 minutes. Finally, use a cross trainer for 15 minutes.

Day 2


On the 2nd day, perform some leg exercises to strengthen them for they are responsible for carrying your body weight. Perform squats, leg curls and lunges as they are among the exercises ideal for the lower body.

Day 3


On this day, do some abdominal exercises for strengthening core muscles and for toning your belly. Perform crunches repetitively and also perform the plank.

Day 4

(Upper Body)

On 4th day, perform upper body exercises starting with the chest. Perform a dumbbell decline press then incline press. Do overhead dumbbells press to work out your shoulder muscles.

Day 5


On your fifth day, repeat cardio exercises. If you like, substitute these exercises with aerobic exercises. You can also try out swimming.

For Men


Workout Routines

Day 1


On your first day, you are supposed to be working your chest triceps muscles and shoulders. Try exercises below:

  • Chest-decline and incline bench press.
  • Shoulder-overhead press barbless and then lateral raises.
  • Triceps-cable push downs and close grip bench press.

Day 2


On the second day, perform cardio workouts. Try and adjust the difficult level of exercise machines. You can substitute the cardio exercises below with others:

  • Tread mill (15 min)
  • Cross Trainer (15 min)
  • Stair Stepper (15 min)

Day 3


On the third day, exercise your legs by performing squats, lunges and calf raises.

Day 4


On the 4th day, aim at working out your abdominal muscles. You can perform some exercises such as crunches, plank, leg raises and bicycle crunches.

Day 5


On the 5th day, aim at working both your bicep and back muscles. Do the following sets of exercises:

  • Biceps curls
  • Dual pulley
  • Bent over rows
  • Preacher curls

Tips for Best Workout Plan to Lose Weight

More tips for carrying out your workout plan successfully:

  • Get an Exercise Partner. This is compulsory if you want to make the most of a workout plan. A partner will always remind you to go when it is time for exercises.
  • Schedule Your Workout Plan. Write down your workout times. Start exercising ahead of time to ensure you have plenty of time to perform your exercises.
  • Weigh Yourself Every Day. This will help you know whether you are making progress as far as weight loss is concern.
  • Don't Do Too Fast or Too Much. Do not be over-motivated. You can end up hurting yourself for nothing.
  • Log Your Workout. This will help you in achieving your weekly goal, even when you get off track for a day or two.
  • Avoid Wine and Keep a Healthy Diet. Wine and alcoholic drinks dehydrate the body especially if taken in large quantities. Avoid alcohol and wine. Eat a healthy diet comprising of vegetables, proteins, starch and carbohydrates. Do not skip a meal and also drink a lot of water. Eat one plate of food in every meal.