What Is a Z Pack? 

What is a Z pack? Also known as Azithromycin, a Z-pack is a medication used for treating serious and severe infections caused by bacteria. It contains macrolide antibiotic, which helps in stopping all forms of growth caused by bacteria. This medication cannot be used for treating viral infections like flu and the common cold. In the article, we will explain "what is a Z pack" by telling you the usages, side effects and precautions of Z packs.

Uses of Z Pack

Let's take a further look at "what is a Z pack" through its uses.

1. Treating Bacteria-Caused Infections

Z- Pack can be used for treating virtually all bacterial infections. Its macrolide components are responsible for preventing and curing different types of diseases caused by bacteria. Some of the infections treatable by this medication include:

  • Acute Gonorrhea. This is a painful sexually transmitted disease affecting both male and female sexual organs. It leads to infections on the urethra causing one to feel pain while passing urine. However, this disease can be treated using a strong antibiotic medication such as Z- pack. It is the best medication to use for treating highly infectious sexually transmitted diseases. Z-pack has what it takes to stop these infections and make them less severe. When taken as soon as the condition manifests, this medication can heal all forms of gonorrhea related infections and eliminate all the pain.
  • Respiratory Infections. Respiratory infections such as bronchitis and tuberculosis have claimed many lives for a long time. Z- Pack can treat many respiratory diseases if taken in the right doses. It works by stopping infections in respiratory organs. Majority of respiratory infections are responsive to Z-pack. This explains why this medication can cure almost all respiratory infections. The other reason why Z-pack is prescribed over other medications used for treating respiratory infection is that it has no side effects on the respiratory tract.
  • Skin Infections. Most skin infections are caused by bacteria. These infections, left untreated, can become severe therefore demanding one to seek medical attention urgently. Apparently, Z-pack has all it takes to heal skin infections caused by bacteria. If taken in the right dosages, this medication can heal such infections quicker than expected. However, skin infections can become severe if this medication is used in large dosages.
  • Ear Infections. Nearly 75 % of ear infection cases all over the worlds are due to infection by bacteria. If neglected, ear infections can lead to deafness. It is also important to use the right medication for healing ear infections. One such medication is the Z-pack. This medication works by healing infections in the ear and also stopping them from becoming septic. There is a special type of Z- pack made specifically to treat ear infections. It is sold in a blister pack, and it has guidelines on how to use it.
  • Urethra Infections. Bacteria can also cause urethra infections. People suffering from such infections will time to time complain about feeling pain when passing urine. Doctors have prescribed Z-pack to people suffering from urethra infections. However, Z- pack can only treat urethra infections caused by bacteria. Other infections will require different medications depending on their severity.

2. Other Uses of Z Pack

Apart from healing bacterial infections, Z-pack can also have other uses. This medication can be used for treating diseases caused by strep, especially among patients who are allergic to penicillin. Penicillin is the first drug recommended for healing strep. However, there are people who have earlier reported that Z-pack cannot heal some cases of strep since strep can at times become resistant to macrolide contained in Z-pack. Some people have also used this medication for healing stomach disorders.

Side Effects and Precautions of Taking Z Pack

One can't get a full picture of "what is a Z pack" without know the possible side effects and precautions of taking Z packs.

1. Side Effects

Z-pack just like other types of medications also has a number of side effects. Some of the side effects linked to this medication include:

  • Allergies. There are people who are allergic to macrolide, which is the main component of Z-pack. Such people can, therefore, not use this medication for purposes of treatment. When used in large quantities and for a relatively long time, this medication can lead to allergies.
  • Burning the Skin. When Z-pack is used for treating skin infections, it can burn the skin if used in large quantities. If not used correctly, this medication can make infections more severe and septic.
  • Nausea. This is the other side effect attributed to Z-pack. There are people who report feeling nausea once they use Z-pack. This medication can also cause vomiting diarrhea and constipation.
  • Stomach Pain. Research has proved that, using Z-pack overtime can lead to stomach pain and upsets. This is mostly experienced by people using a lot of this medication, more than what a physician has prescribed to them.
  • Vaginal Discharge. If used to treat sexually transmitted disease in women, there are some women who experience vaginal discharge and pain.

2. Precautions

  • Whereas Z-pack is effective for the majority of people, this medication is not ideal for curing infections in some people. For instance, people suffering from jaundice and other related liver disorders, are exempted from using this medication.
  • Moreover, people suffering from certain heart conditions and myasthenia are strictly not supposed to take this medication.
  • Breastfeeding or pregnant women are also among the group of people prohibited from using Z-pack. If they are using this medication, they should do so with close monitoring.
  • Children under the age of 5 should also not be given this medication as they can get serious side effects. Some children are adversely affected by antibiotics, Z-pack being among them.
  • If you are allergic to antibiotics used for curing infections caused by bacteria, you are also not supposed to use Z-pack. Instead, look for alternative medication that will cure infections without causing allergies.
  • Most importantly, you should take Z-pack as per the doctor's prescription. It should not be overdosed as there are chances of suffering from more complex side effects.