Oily Skin 

Oily skin is caused by overactive oil-producing glands producing more oil than is necessary and secreting it onto the skin. Excess oil will make skin appear greasy and dull colored. Pimples, blackheads and other blemishes are common with oily skin from oil trapped in the pores. Many people suffer from oily skin conditions due to various internal and external factors. There are solutions to control the excess oil on your skin.

What Causes Oily Skin?

  1. Diet. Deficiencies in the vitamins B2 and B5 can cause a person to experience oily skin. Junk food is also linked to causing excess oil on the skin. Sugar is a huge contributor!
  2. Age. Adolescents experiencing hormonal changes during puberty suffer from oily skin and breakouts. This does not mean that other age groups cannot experience oily skin, but adolescents tend to be hit the hardest due to puberty.
  3. Heredity. Problems with oily skin can be passed genetically. If members of your family suffer from it, you may be at risk of oily skin conditions as well.
  4. Hormones. Having an excess of the hormone DHT can cause your oil producing glands to go into overdrive. This hormone can go into overdrive during puberty, pregnancy, menstrual cycles and menopause.
  5. Environment. Hot weather is a common cause of oily skin. Humidity and sweating stimulate oil gland secretions. Air pollution can also cause you to experience oily skin.
  6. Cosmetics. Oil-based cosmetics will cause excess oil to form. Greasy creams and oil-based skin care products can aggravate your oil glands and cause them to over-secrete oil.

How to Deal with Oily Skin

1. Daily Skin Care Routine for Oily Skin

  • Cleansing is the essential part to clearing up your oily skin. Look for good quality cleansers that are designed for your oily skin with ingredients such as silica, salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide. Cleanse your face at least 2 times a day and take care not to over wash.
  • Toning your skin after using cleanser helps to re-firm your skin and close pores so more oil cannot get trapped there. Toners lower your skin's pH to help remove excess oil and impurities that may have been missed by your cleanser.
  • Moisturizing your skin after cleansing and toning helps keep your skin soft and smooth. Use oil-free and water-based moisturizers to help smooth your skin and prevent dry patches that harsh toners and cleansers can cause.
  • Exfoliating reduces the amount of dirt and oil that lay just over skin. A daily exfoliation routine will make your skin look clearer and brighter.

2. More Skin Care Solutions for Oily Skin

  • Steaming. Use steam to open up your pores and cleanse them from deep within. Be sure you are hydrated before using steam and use oil-free moisturizer afterwards to keep skin soft.
  • Natural facial masks made from fruit or clay have the ability to absorb the excess oil from your skin leaving it smooth and dry.
  • Medicated pads with ingredients like salicylic acid and glycolic acid are good for clearing up oily skin. They can be used throughout the day and help to remove excess oil that gets trapped in your pores.
  • Blotting papers won't dry out your skin, and effectively remove oil from your face. Press the paper to your oily areas and hold it there for as long as it needs for oil to be absorbed.
  • Oil-free sunscreen is better than traditional sunscreens that go on thick and heavy. Oil free lotions and gels still offer strong sun protection but do not leave oil on the skin.
  • Change your facial regimen based on hormonal changes or your environment changes. If your skin tends to be oilier in the summer due to heat and sweat then change your regimen and products to fit.
  • See a dermatologist. If you find that over the counter products are not working for you then talk to a Dermatologist about what they feel will help the best.

3. Homemade Remedies for Oily Skin

  • Fruit juice cleanse. Mix equal amounts of apple and lime juices together. Apply the mixture to your skin and rinse off after 15-20 minutes. Another fruit cleanse to try is mixing equal parts lemon juice and water. Apply that to your face and rinse with warm water.
  • Clay masks. Put 1 teaspoon of grey clay powder in a bowl and add 1 teaspoon of honey. Mix them into a paste then apply it to your face. You can rinse off after 20 minutes.
  • Aloe vera gel absorbs oil and unclogs pores. Mixing aloe vera gel with organic yogurt and crushed strawberries is a good oil-reducing facial mask. Leave for 10 minutes before washing with warm water.
  • Tomatoes. Puree some tomatoes to use as a skin remedy. Rinse off after 10 minutes.
  • Papaya. Mash some papaya and apply to your skin. Rinse it off after 20 minutes.
  • Cornstarch will dry up oily patches. Mix cornstarch and warm water to make a paste. Let it dry on your skin then rinse with lukewarm water.
  • Salt. Put room temperature water and a teaspoon of salt into a spray bottle. Spritz your face and gently blot dry.
  • Apple. Mix 1/2 cup of mashed apple, 1/2 cup of oatmeal, a slightly beaten egg white and 1 tsp of lemon juice. Rub the paste onto your face and rinse after 15 minutes.
  • Egg yolk. Apply a raw egg yolk with a cotton ball to oily areas of your skin. Rinse after 15 minutes for brighter, oil free skin.

4. Lifestyle Changes for Oily Skin

  • Diet. A healthy, balanced diet will help your skin to be more clear and healthy.
  • Bad Habits. Cut back on habits like smoking or excessive alcohol consumption for skin that is less oily.
  • Exercise. Daily exercise will help control your oil secretions and help the skin flush out toxins and dirt through sweat.