Home Remedies for Warts 

Warts are a growth on the skin cause by the human papilloma virus, more commonly known as HPV. These can include common warts that usually show up on the fingers, plantar warts that tend to appear on the soles of the feet, flat wars that show up in areas that people frequently shave or genital warts that are considered a sexually transmitted disease.

For most children, warts will fade on their own without intervention. Unfortunately, warts tend to linger on adults. Warts that are bothersome or appear to be spreading should be removed. Chemical, laser, freezing and surgical treatments can be used to help you get rid of warts. Home remedies for warts can also help to get rid of the condition.

Things to Remember Before Applying Home Remedies for Warts

1. Ensure it's a wart.

Before you start applying any treatment, make sure that the bump on your finger is a wart. Warts have a broken surface that will have several little red dots inside. These are the blood vessels that are feeding the wart. If the skin is smooth and regularly shaped, it may be a mole instead. Those that are rough or hard can be a callus or corn. If the bump is irregularly shaped and appears to be growing quickly, it could be cancerous.

2. Leave time for them to go.

While it can take some time, many warts go away on their own. The only problem is they tend to reappear later. Some believe that a "mother" wart will spread other warts along the skin. Some people also seem to be particularly susceptible to warts. In this case you may need to go ahead with treatment to see relief.

Home Remedies for Warts

1. Pads

Wart pads that are made from moleskin or doughnut shaped pads can be purchased at pharmacies. Place these around the wart to relieve pressure on the area. You can also place a pad in your shoe to help keep you comfortable while the wart heals.

2. Proper Footwear

Wear shoes and socks that are comfortable to avoid putting pressure on the wart. Especially avoid uncomfortable shoes like high heels that can put more pressure on your wart.

3. Nonprescription Medicines

Pain medications such as ibuprofen, aspirin or acetaminophen can help take down the pain associated with warts. Don't give aspirin to those under the age of 20 because this can increase their risk of Reye syndrome.

4. Salicylic Acid

Salicylic acid is typically considered the most ideal treatment for warts because it is safe and generally quite effective. This treatment also has minimal pain compared to other treatments.

Soak the wart to loosen the skin, and then apply the acid before bed. Cover the affected area with bandages or a sock and then wash the salicylic acid away in the morning. This should make it easy to rub away the skin affected by the HPV virus. Use a pumice stone to gently remove the dead cells 1-2 times a week. Be careful when disposing of these flakes as these items and the pumice stone will be infected with the virus.

5. Tape Occlusion

Duct tape can be used to cover an area affected by a wart, smothering it. Ingredients in the glue can also help kill off the wart. This treatment will take around 1-2 months to complete.

6. Nonprescription Cryotherapy

Your doctor can perform cyrotherapy on warts on the body but you can perform this treatment at home to deal with wars on the hands and feet. To perform this treatment, apply two different chemicals using the foam applicator. Hold this applicator on the wart for a couple of seconds and then release. Do not use this treatment on pregnant or breastfeeding women or children under the age of four.

7. Other Home Remedies for Warts

Baking powder

Mix some baking powder with castor oil, apply mixture to the affected area at night, and then cover with a bandage to help kill off the affected flesh.

Baking soda

You can dissolve some baking soda in water and wash the area that is affected with warts with this solution and allow it to dry. This can kill off the wart over time.

Hot water

Some have found that soaking plantar warts in hot water and soften the skin to help kill off the virus. When taking on this cure make sure you do not use water that is too hot.


Rubbing crushed garlic on the wart or eating garlic throughout the day can help kill off the HPV viruses. Garlic capsules can also be consumed three times a day for similar results.

Vitamin C

Crushing a vitamin C capsule and mixing the contents with water is also one of the good remedies. Place it on the wart until you have a thick paste. This is a somewhat acidic mixture so it can cause a bit of irritation.

Vitamin E

Open a vitamin E capsule and rub the oil on the affected area, then cover with a bandage. Do this 3 times a day, allowing the wart to breathe at night to help heal the flesh.

Castor oil

Castor oil can irritate flat warts, making them easier to remove. Rub this oil on the wart twice a day using a clean cotton swab for best results.


Carrots are high in beta carotene which can help kill off the virus. Grate a carrot and mix it into a paste with olive oil and dab it on the wart. Leave this in place for around 30 minutes.

Fig mask

Mashing up a fig and placing the pulp on the wart for about 30 minutes 2-3 times a week can help kill off the damaged flesh.

Lemon juice

Placing a bit of lemon juice on a wart and covering it with a bandage for about 30 minutes can help dissolve the damaged flesh.

Pineapple juice

The enzymes in pineapple juice can help you dissolve the war. Soak the wart in this juice for best results.


Breaking open an aloe leaf and applying its clear juice to your wart can help remove the wart. Use cotton balls to apply this juice to avoid contaminating the skin.

How to Prevent Warts from Spreading

Apart from the home remedies for warts, it is imperative that you take some measures to prevent it from spreading as warts can find its way to the body easily.

Ban touching

The virus that spreads warts is spread through contact, so you should avoid contact with your flesh or others to avoid spreading the infection. Flat warts can also be spread by shaving or trimming the cuticles.

Avoid going barefoot

Because warts are spread by contact, people who walk around in public without shoes are more susceptible to developing plantar warts. Whenever you are in public showers, pools or locker rooms, keep your shoes on.

Keep feet dry

Warts grow more quickly in moist areas. This is particularly true in plantar warts. If you exercise frequently, change your socks when they get damp or wear foot powder to cut down on your risk.


Cover cuts or scrapes

The HPV virus uses cuts or scrapes to make its way into the skin. Cover up these cuts to help make sure that you do not get infected.

Eat healthy diet

Eat foods with plenty of vitamins and minerals. Easting foods that help you boost your immune system can help you fight off the virus that causes warts to appear. Foods high in beta-carotene, vitamin D, polyphenols or garlic can help you boost the immune system.