Topics Marked With "herbs":

Turmeric and Milk

Turmeric milk is an all-natural cure for a number of conditions. This article reviews these conditions, the benefits turmeric has on them and some useful recipes as well.learn more

Nettle Tea

Nettle tea has been used since ancient times to rid the body of a variety of ailments. Some experience side effects from drinking nettle tea, so we will give you all the information you need to consume nettle tea safely.learn more

Maca Root

Maca root is often referred to as a "super food," helping with sexual stamina and energy levels while providing high nutrition. Maca root may also have cardiac, goiter and other side effects that should be acknowledged before use.learn more

Papaya Leaves Benefits

Papaya leaves benefits include increasing platelets production, supporting the liver, and improving energy levels, etc. Here are 3 ways to enjoy papaya leaves. learn more