Vitamin E for Skin 

image001Vitamin E is a fat-soluble antioxidant and amazing for glowing skin, which the body uses to help maintain the membranes throughout the body. Vitamin E is particularly helpful in caring for nerves, heart, blood count, muscles, skin and hair. Besides, there're also many benefits of vitamin E for skin. You can apply vitamin E oil or cream directly to skin or increase the dietary intake of foods rich in vitamin E and supplements to improve your skin and overall health.

Benefits of Vitamin E for Skin

1. Prevent UV-Induced Damage

Vitamin E is taken to help reduce the damage caused by reactive oxygen species and free radicals, which makes it essential to preventing UV-damage to the skin. Studies have shown that taking oral supplements of vitamin E regularly helped to improve overall skin protection, including the prevention of skin cancers.

Other studies have shown that combining vitamins C and E lower the amount of DNA damage that occurs after being exposed to UV rays. Applying vitamin E topically is shown to help reduce the effects photo-activated toxins have on the skin. This helps to reduce swelling, thickening, edema and erythema that are commonly associated with UV exposure. This also helps to limit the activation of immune cell after the body is exposed to UV rays.

2. Against Inflammation and Wound

Vitamin E for skin can also be used as an anti-inflammatory after the skin has been exposed to UV rays. But there is some confusion on whether or not this vitamin helps reduce inflammation after exposure to dangerous agents or its antioxidant properties help to prevent inflammation from initially occurring.

Studies have found that those with a vitamin E deficiency heal from skin wounds more slowly. Skin wounds cause the body to increase its natural antioxidant stores to help heal the damaged area, making natural antioxidants in vitamin E essential to this process. Vitamin E can be taken as a supplement or consumed to help increase these effects.

3. Reduce Wrinkles and Age Spots

Vitamin E has been long hailed for its anti-aging properties due to its ability to repair damage caused by UV rays and free radicals, two common causes of age spots and wrinkles. This vitamin will help increase collagen production which helps skin maintain its elasticity, which will also help prevent wrinkles.

It will also encourage the skin’s natural repair and regeneration properties. Applying skin to the areas of the face that you wish to repair before you go to bed will help erase lines that have already appeared on the face. Gently rub the vitamin E oil into the spots that you wish to repair to get the best results.

4. Moisturize Skin

Benefits of vitamin E for skin can also be demonstrated through its capability in moisturizing skin. Wash your face with warm water, and then gently apply vitamin E oil with a cotton ball. Leave this oil in place overnight, and then gently wash it away with warm water when you wake up in the morning. The antioxidant properties help return a healthy glow to the skin.

It should be noted that vitamin E is too sticky to be used as a daily moisturizer, so restrict your use to twice a week. Applying a few drops of vitamin E oil throughout the day and massaging it into chapped lips can help reduce your symptoms. In just a few days, your chapped lips and cold sores should be repaired.

5. Diminish Stretch and Birth Marks

Vitamin E is helpful in regenerating new skin to replace areas damaged by stretch marks. It will help break down the collagen and elastin that causes stretch marks to appear, replacing them with natural, normal looking skin.

Apply creams that contain high levels of vitamins C and E on the affected skin to see significant results. Those with noticeable birthmarks are often embarrassed by their appearance. Applying vitamin E to the mark every night before bed can help to make the birthmark lighter and less visible.

Food Sources of Vitamin E

With all the benefits of vitamin E for skin, now comes the question of where and how to get sufficient amount of it. Food is an excellent source of vitamin E.

Food Source



Few fruits including papaya, raw mango, kiwi and raw tomato are high in vitamin E. Some fruits including pomegranate, cranberries, raspberries, guava and peaches have been shown to have trace amounts of vitamin E.


Green leafy vegetables have particularly high vitamin E content. These include Swiss chard, mustard greens, turnip greens, dandelion greens and spinach. Other vegetables including Brussels sprouts, asparagus, avocado, broccoli, carrots, red bell peppers, pumpkin and sweet potato.

Dairy Products and Eggs

Products such as marzipan, milk, mayonnaise and peanut butter contain vitamin E stores. Egg yolks have been found to be high in vitamin E.


Grains like popcorn, whole grains, wheat germ and sunflower seeds are also high in this vitamin.


Nuts like walnuts, pistachios, almonds, peanuts, Brazil nuts, hazelnuts, and pine nuts also have plenty of vitamin E.


Some spices like parsley, oregano, cayenne pepper, sage, cumin, ginger and cloves also have plentiful sources of vitamin E.


Several oils including cotton seed, corn, olive, soybean, rapeseed and cod liver oils can help you increase your vitamin E intake.