Do Bananas Make You Fat? 

Bananas are a very common fruit found in almost every grocery store all across the world. They are easy to transport, very plentiful and available year-round. They are also a very caloric dense foot, offering plenty of nutrients and energy. But there are some questions about whether bananas are good for those on a diet. Do bananas make you fat? That's a question that you can decide through careful analysis of what's actually in bananas.

What Is the Nutrient Composition of Banana?

If you want to figure out the question: do bananas make you fat? The serving size of one banana is 100 grams. A banana might be a bit less or a bit more, as most of them are of varying sizes, but this is a good average. Bananas are also a good source of calories, minerals and vitamins.

Caloric Content


Amount per 100 grams




0.3 grams


1.2 grams


27.2 grams

Dietary Fiber

2.6 grams

Mineral Content


Amount per 100 grams


41 mg


88 mg


17 mg


36 mg


0.36 mg


0.15 mg


36.6 mg

Vitamin Content


Amount per 100 grams


78 mcg

Vitamin B6

0.8 mg

Vitamin C

7 mg

Do Bananas Make You Fat?

For such a small fruit, bananas seem to have a great deal of calories. Because of this, many people believe that bananas can make you fat. But bananas don't have any fat content, so doesn't this mean that bananas don't make you fat?

Here's how it works: Though bananas are fat free, they do have high sugar content. In a medium banana, sugar accounts for 69 percent of the energy you get from the banana. In most cases, sugar is good: It is broken down into glucose, which then provides you with the energy to do the things that you must do, such as walk, run, and simply move about your day-to-day activities.

But if you don't use up all that energy, your body holds onto the excess glucose. It stores it as glycogen, which sits in your liver and muscles. This allows you to use the energy later. However, if you have an excess of glycogen, the body converts it to fat.

How can you prevent this excess of glycogen? You can simply take in the energy you need to use, and that means good portion control, combined with exercise. If you eat bananas in moderation and exercise regularly, eating bananas won't make you fat.

How to Eat Bananas Properly

Bananas can be a great part of a healthy, well-balanced diet. But there are other ways that you can use bananas to feel healthier. In addition to keeping bananas on hand for those quick snacks or accompaniments to breakfast, keep these interesting tips in mind.

  1. Nosh on Bananas before Workouts. You need energy to in order to move for your workouts, and to get that energy, you need carbohydrates. Bananas are a great source for this, which makes it a favorite among serious athletes. In addition, the potassium in the bananas can help alleviate cramping that sometimes occurs during a strenuous workout.
  2. Avoid Under-Ripe Bananas. Ripe bananas have a host of benefits, but if they aren't entirely ripe, you might wind up with problems. Studies have shown that eating bananas that are not yet ripe can lead to constipation. However, ripe bananas contain enough fiber to help keep you regular.
  3. Eat Bananas at Breakfast. Get a boost of nutrition with the most important meal of the day by adding a banana to the menu. The Mayo Clinic reports that those who eat breakfast see benefits, such as better concentration, a healthier life and better weight control. But keep in mind that a banana for breakfast isn't enough; you need other foods during breakfast to get the fat and protein necessary to get through the day.

Bananas are a healthy food that can provide plenty of minerals and vitamins. They are also a great source of carbohydrates, which gives you energy. Bananas incorporated as part of a healthy diet mean that you can enjoy them and not worry, because bananas won't make you fat when they are enjoyed in moderation.