Home Remedies for Bad Breath 

image001 People who suffer from temporary or constant bad breath find the condition embarrassing and can feel quite anxious about finding effective methods to cover it up. Items like mints, mouthwashes or gum are commonly used to help hide bad breath symptoms. Some foods are known to cause bad breath, but in many cases it simply comes down to following poor oral hygiene techniques. Evaluating your routine and working with your physician can help you find the best remedies to rid yourself of bad breath.

Home Remedies for Bad Breath

1. Keep Good Oral Hygiene

  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day, especially after you have eaten. Store a toothbrush at work or in your handbag so you can brush when you are away from home.
  • Use toothpaste that contains fluoride and antibacterial ingredients for the best results.
  • Do not forget to brush the tongue, a common place for bacteria to grow. If you have a coated tongue, use a tongue scraper to gently rid your mouth of this residue.
  • Also floss the teeth twice a day to help remove debris that can get stuck between the teeth and cause bad odors.

2. Wash Dental Appliances

Toothbrushes typically need to be replaced every 3-4 months as the bristles start to fray. Choose a brush with soft bristles to avoid irritating the mouth. Those that wear dentures or a bridge will need to follow their dentist’s instructions carefully to keep these items clean. Those that wear a mouth guard or retainer should wash it before they put it in their mouth. Your dentist will tell you which cleaning products are most appropriate for the appliance you have.

3. Keep Mouth Moist

Make a point of drinking plenty of water throughout the day. If necessary, chew sugarless gum or suck on sugarless candy to stimulate natural saliva production. Those with chronic dry mouth should see their doctor to get medication that will help keep their mouth hydrated. A poorly hydrated mouth will frequently suffer from halitosis. Mouthwash or a salt water solution can be gargled for 30 seconds to help kill off bacteria that may be causing bad breath. A diluted hydrogen peroxide solution can follow the same effects. Be sure not to swallow these solutions when gargling as this can be dangerous.

4. Ban Certain Foods

Foods like garlic, cabbage, onions and foods that are heavily spiced are known for causing bad breath. Drinking a large amount of alcohol or coffee can also cause the breath to smell badly. So limit or avoid having these kinds of foods and drinks.

5. Apply Natural Remedies

When it comes to home remedies for bad breath, common foods and things that we may use in everyday life can help cope with unpleasant oral odor effectively.

  • Natural oils. Adding peppermint or tea tree oil to your toothpaste or placing a small amount of these oils on the tongue can help rid your mouth of unpleasant odors. These oils are antibacterial and can help kill off contaminants that might be contributing to your bad breath.
  • Baking soda. Mix a paste of baking soda with water and use this to brush your teeth. This helps to remove contaminants on the teeth that may be difficult to remove and might be contributing to your bad breath.
  • Fresh vegetables. Chewing on fresh vegetables like celery or carrots can help fight plaque, keeping your breath smelling fresher.
  • Cheese. Cheese is thought to have antibacterial properties. Eating a bit of low-fat cheese as a snack can help you rid your mouth of these contaminants so your breath will smell better.
  • Aromatic spices. Spices such as fennel, clove or cardamom are commonly consumed in seed form after meals in the Middle East and South Asia as a way to cleanse the breath. These spices are known to have antimicrobial properties that can help you get your breath smelling fresher.
  • Tea. Black and green tea both contain polyphenols, an ingredient that can help stop the growth of bacteria. This can also help prevent bacteria that are already in the mouth from producing compounds like hydrogen sulfide that can contribute to your bad breath.
  • Herbs. Chewing on herbs such as parsley, rosemary, tarragon or spearmint for at least a minute is known to make the breath smell fresher.

This video shows more home remedies for bad breath:

6. Manage Stress

If you find that your bad breath does not seem to be rooted in a physical cause, you may be suffering from stress that is contributing to your problem. Studies have found that young men that had good overall health and practiced good oral hygiene would still have bad breath if they were stressed. Stress increases the body’s natural production of sulfur compounds in the mouth, leading to an unpleasant odor. Practicing different relaxation techniques to help get your body to relax more effectively can help rid you of these symptoms.