
Epilepsy is characterized as a disorder of central nervous system. Healthcare providers define epilepsy as a neurological disorder which promotes disturbances in the activity of nerve cells, resulting in the seizures. Some people develop epilepsy symptoms, such as anomalous behaviour, sensations and even loss of consciousness. Almost 1 out of every 100 people in United States experience at least 1 unprovoked episode of seizure during their entire lifetime. Nonetheless a single seizure alone doesn’t imply that you have epilepsy. For the diagnosis of epilepsy, you must have at least 2 unprovoked seizures. Regardless of the intensity or frequency of seizure episodes, it is highly recommended to seek immediate medical help to prevent life-threatening consequences.

Causes of Epilepsy



Developmental Disorders

Disorders like neurofibromatosis and autism may contribute to epilepsy.

Prenatal Injury

Before childbirth, any condition that increases the risk of brain damage such as maternal infections, oxygen deficiency, placental defects, or poor nutrition can lead to epilepsy.

Genetic Influence

Latest research indicates that epilepsy may have genetic predisposition; for example some people are genetically susceptible to develop certain type of epilepsy. Likewise, others are vulnerable to certain environmental triggers because of faulty genes.

Infectious Diseases

Certain infectious diseases such as viral encephalitis, AIDS and meningitis can also increase the risk of developing epilepsy.

Head Trauma

Epilepsy may occur after traumatic brain injury like a car accident.

Brain Conditions

Epilepsy may also be brought about by the damage to vital brain structures caused by brain strokes or tumors.

Epilepsy Symptoms

Most epilepsy symptoms are the result of uncontrolled activity of brain cells. The signs and symptoms of seizures include:

  • Loss of awareness or consciousness
  • Uncontrolled jerking movements of legs and arms
  • A staring spell
  • Temporary confusion

Epilepsy Symptoms differ from various types of seizure. Most people develop similar episodes of epilepsy (in terms of duration, frequency and key features) that indicates a localized area of brain involvement.

When to See a Doctor

You must consult your doctor immediately if:

  • You got yourself injured during the seizure.
  • It takes you more time than it normally does to recover from seizure.
  • The seizure gets more severe and frequent.
  • A second seizure strikes back right after the first one.
  • You are pregnant.
  • You have diabetes.
  • You feel a sudden numbness or headache or weakness in single side of the body or you feel issues with the speech or vision prior to the seizure. These epilepsy symptoms could be related to a stroke.

How to Live With Epilepsy

Remember: you can still have a normal life even with epilepsy. It is indeed a bad thing to get the disease, however, when you do, you can still enjoy your life like many other athletes, authors, politicians and artists. The epilepsy cannot prevent you from having fun both in life and at work as long as you follow your doctors’ advice to protect yourself with safety precautions.



Live Independently

If you are suffering from epilepsy, it is better to utilize public transportation. Individuals who are not allowed to drive may consider the option of relocating to cities with good public transportation.

Stay Calm,

Stay Positive

Avoid the negative remarks and reactions you might receive from people around you. It will assist in learning more thoroughly about epilepsy. Keep yourself up to date with latest researches and scientific developments to ensure normal life. Maintain your sense of humor and keep yourself happy.

Keep Enough Sleep

Seizure may be triggered by the lack of sleep. Therefore it is of great significance to maintain a functional sleeping timetable.

Take Medication Correctly

Keep up with your medical regimen. If you think the medications need to be changed or that they are not working out, make sure to talk to your doctor on follow-up visits.


Exercise is helpful at alleviating depression and building up your body. However, make sure to avoid strenuous physical activity and drink enough water.

Keep Others Informed

Be sure to let your co-workers, friends and family know about what they should do in case you have seizures and the signs to call for medical help if needed.

How to React When Others Have Epilepsy

If you come across someone with an active epileptic seizure or other epilepsy symptoms, you must know how to offer help. Follow the rules below:

1. Assess: Instead of panicking, assess the surrounding and the person who is in seizure. Make sure they are in no impending danger of hurting themselves and remove sharp, pointed objects from the surrounding.

2. Cushion: Elevate the head to prevent head injury and minimize choking hazard.

3. Time: An ordinary episode of seizure usually lasts for a few minutes; however, if it lasts more than 5 minutes, call medical help immediately.

4. Identity: It is very important to identify if the person is a known epileptic and take medications for treatment. You can also have the medications ready as soon as the paramedics arrive.

5. Over: Once the seizure episode is over, stay with the person and provide reassurance and support.

Here is a video that may help in explaining how to approach epileptic seizure: