Best Probiotics 

Probiotics are live microorganisms that can be taken to promote healthy functioning of the digestive system. They are usually taken in the form of dietary supplements containing beneficial bacteria, which increase the number of “good” microorganisms in the gut. To obtain the most benefits from probiotic supplements, it is important to know how to choose the best probiotics.

Best Probiotics from Natural Resources (Dr.Oz and Oprah Recommendations):

How to Choose Best Probiotics

There are several brands of probiotic supplements, some of which are more effective than others. It is important to know how to look for the best probiotics supplement since they help you restore the healthy balance in the digestive system. Here are some things to remember when choosing the best probiotics:

Learn What To Look For In A High-Quality Probiotic Supplement:

Best Probiotics in the Market

The digestive tract has various microorganisms that include good and bad bacteria living in proper balance with each other. However, when good bacteria are few in number, bad bacteria predominate, giving rise to various diseases, including degenerative disorders. To restore the balance, probiotic supplements are often taken. In doing your own research you will find legitimate websites that suggest reliable brand products such as these:

1. Ultimate Flora Critical Care 50 Billion


This probiotic supplement has been ranked number one in terms of being the best and most effective by the "Vitamin Retailer" magazine and the Better Health Review. It provides you with 30 billion bifidobacteria, which are essential for your colon and 20 billion lactococcus and lactobacilli cultures for your small intestine.

2. iFlora Multi-Probiotic


This product of Sedona Labs is considered as one of the best, since it contains 32 billion microorganisms comprising 16 strains of bacteria that act in both the small and large intestines. Furthermore, it contains probiotic fiber and remains effective in spite of the acidity of the stomach.

3. Bowtrol Probiotic


This product contains 4 lactobacillus strains, plus Bifidobacterium, having 10 billion colony-forming units (CFUs), which, according to Best Probiotic, has five times more than that found in yogurt.

4. Suprema Dophilus Multi-Probiotic


This product by Vitabase has the highest customer ratings in the market. It is said to contain 4 billion probiotics per capsule, which are coated to help them spread through the digestive tract. It includes 5 lactobacilli strains and 3 bifidobacteria strains. It contains natural sugars, which prolong the bacteria life span.

5. Dr. Ohhira’s Probiotics 12 Plus


Named as one of the top probiotics by Better Health Review, this product contains less than 1 billion probiotic cells, but also packs vitamins and minerals as well as other micronutrients for health. It is said to be ideal for vegetarians.